

英漢字典: lose sight of

lose sight of   (TTS發音)

1. fail to see看不見

    I watched the plane go higher and higher until I lost sight of it. 我看著飛機越飛越高,直到看不見為止。

2. forget ; overlook忘記;忽略

    Johnny was so interested in the game that he lost sight of the time. 喬尼對比賽興趣特濃,連時間也忘記了。

    No matter how rich and famous he became,he never lost sight of the fact that he was born in the slums. 無論他多麼富有和有名氣,他從不忘記他出生于貧民窟。

3. lose contact with;do not hear from不得音訊;失去聯絡

    I have lost sight of my old friend for many years. 我已多年得不到我的老朋友的音訊了。

    We have lost sight of him since he went abroad. 他出國以後,我們就和他失去了聯系。

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